Organise That

Professional organiser

Lancashire  Yorkshire

Beth Nixon professional organiser in a blurred room

Organise That

Your local friendly  organised helping hand

example recipe books rainbow shelf
Organise That

How I can help

Tidying • Organising • Clearing out • Storage systems • Decluttering • Furniture building • Rearranging • Purging • Categorising • Moving • Styling • Optimising • Dressing

Whether it be a cupboard, drawer, wardrobe, room or office, there are always those places that baffle us - that we know could be used to greater potential - but we just can’t work out how....

If this sounds like you, then get in touch. As I love solving problems, I will find a way to help you make the most of those spaces, helping to create a sense of calm and peace when you know exactly where things are, and your belongings don’t fall out every time you open the door.

I can even help create systems that children can use and with a bit of guidance can learn to tidy up after themselves from an early age.

Give me a call:

or email:

What I can do

Examples of my work

Before  after

Tween attic bedroom

In this attic room we categorised, cleared out anything that was broken or no longer used/wanted and used the storage in the room more effectively to create a clean, tidy, calm feeling room.

Before After

Before  after

Young girl's bedroom

In this girl’s room, we had a major sort through items that had been outgrown and needed to be donated to charity. Once we had reduced the number of items in the room, it was much easier to find places for them to fit and make it easier for the child to maintain it.

It may look like we have simply just tidied up but there is so much more to the work I do. I go through - or get the client to go through - each item, checking whether it really needs keeping, is still used or loved. Quite often in kids' rooms you find that they have outgrown things (and they have stayed at the back of the cupboard without realising), so it is much better to donate or sell that item so another child can have joy from it ...and your child has space for things that bring them joy.

Before After

More examples of my work

Rooms I help organise

How I work

First, we would start with a quick telephone call or email conversation to see what you are after.

Next would be a consultation where I would come to your house, measure up, discuss what you are wanting from the project, how you use the space, and I will then follow this up with an email giving you some ideas as to how the area can be improved.

You can then choose how to proceed, you may choose to make the changes based on my advice all by yourself, you may prefer to carry out the project together - this may be for emotional support if we are going through sentimental belongings or so you can gain ideas for other areas of your life or you may just not fancy having someone else rummaging through your knicker drawer.

Alternatively, you may prefer to book for me to come in and crack on with it myself following in depth discussions about what will happen.


Initial conversation FREE

1 hour consultation visit £40

Hourly rate £30

The Process







Perfect for...

Moving house

Repurposing a room



Under stairs cupboard


Growing kids




Office paperwork

Personal paperwork

Here to help

Beth Nixon

Hi, I’m Beth, the professional organiser behind Organise That.

I am married to my wonderful husband, Shaun, a mum of two girls - Pippa and Isla and we have a pet dog called Charlie.

As a couple, we have run a digital marketing business for the last 7 years and as you can imagine juggling a business, kids, a dog and all the things that go with it can cause mess and chaos. I have always been the organiser in the family, constantly coming up with and researching new and inventive ways to store the ever-growing number of toys, books, and clothes as they grow up.

I get such a thrill and sense of joy to see the difference I can make to a space and how much easier day-to-day life can be with a bit more organisation.

Organise That